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Messages - JRob

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What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 17, 2020, 10:49:00 am »
Becke, I just don't understand why it is that over the course of multiple books a character can find all these murderers, survive each attempt on their lives and yet can't stand up to some minor character whose primary reason for existing seems to be as a non-lethal annoyance.

But as I said in my review, it might just be my problem because I'm a stubborn SOB who won't do something I don't want to do.

My parents worked hard to get my temper under control when I was a kid, and now it is so tightly under wraps it's unusual for me to really let it go. In my real life, I suffer from "pleaser" disease, and I constantly have to work to hold my ground. I'm stubborn as all get out, and I can stand up for my kids and grandkids without fail, but I'm not fond of confrontation for the sake of confrontation. This can lead to a battle of will-or-wimp. When I'm writing (haven't done much lately - too busy reading), I have to work to keep my characters strong and independent.

One reason I'm a big fan of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple is that people see a white-haired old lady and they don't expect anything from her. I get such a kick out of it when she picks up on all the important details others overlook. Now that I'm a grandmother, I appreciate her even more.

Thanks for elaborating on your reasons for being frustrated with the character's response to a "non-lethal annoyance." Is this person a relation, or someone who has power over the character, like an employer? I'll probably read these books and find out for myself.

In this particular book, the annoyances are doubled. There's the employee of the main character and then there is an acquaintance (not even really a friend) that the main character gets roped into helping with her wedding. In fact, the usual main antagonist is actually not around much for this story and in the few scenes they are in, the two seem to reach a kind of truce. Which is a good thing because it made no sense for the two to have such open animosity towards each other.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 16, 2020, 04:54:22 pm »
Becke, I just don't understand why it is that over the course of multiple books a character can find all these murderers, survive each attempt on their lives and yet can't stand up to some minor character whose primary reason for existing seems to be as a non-lethal annoyance.

But as I said in my review, it might just be my problem because I'm a stubborn SOB who won't do something I don't want to do.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 16, 2020, 03:54:20 am »
I finished reading Vicki Delany's DYING IN A WINTER WONDERLAND yesterday. Here's my Goodreads review.

Welcome and General Discussion / Re: Bookmarks?
« on: October 15, 2020, 05:14:17 pm »

Don't you love it when authors give you bookmarks? I have some from Hank Phillippi Ryan, Wendy Corsi Staub, Lisa Jackson, Bill A. Brier, Duffy Brown, J.B. Lynn, Annette Blair, Soho Crime, Christy Reece and Karen Rose. (If you are looking for SCARY, check out Karen Rose's books. But brace yourself!)

I do love getting the bookmarks from authors when I attended their signings. I like to use different ones for different books rather than just using one until it wears out.

And I do make sure to share with fellow book lovers when I get extras from an author like I did with Edith.

Welcome and General Discussion / Re: Bookmarks?
« on: October 14, 2020, 03:53:59 am »
Speaking of bookmarks, when I saw Edith Maxwell over the weekend, she gave me a few of her bookmarks to share with my friends as well as signing the books I brought.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 11, 2020, 06:25:03 am »
What fun! No sooner did I complete part of my Edith collection (I still need to read her Quaker midwife series) than she comes out with a new book! I haven't been to B&N in at least a month - I don't think our local branch is doing any signings yet. A lot of stores in Eugene are still closed.

I just started THE TRUTH SLEUTH by Jacqueline Seewald. I've known her online for years but have never met her in person.

Becke, it wasn't an official signing event or anything. They aren't doing anything like that. She was down on the Cape and her publisher arranged for her to go to the store and sign their stock. Given that one of her series is set on the Cape, signed copies of the books in that series in particular makes sense. This was a totally unofficial thing and Edith was kind enough to inform me that she'd be there since she knew I'd love to have my books signed. As you can see by the pic of me, we even made sure to sign outside of the store rather than inside.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 10, 2020, 08:58:03 pm »
I finished the Maddie Day mystery CANDY SLAIN MURDER today. I had started it yesterday and made sure to finish it today because I had a good day.

See, Maddie (AKA the great Edith Maxwell) was at the Barnes and Noble in Hyannis, MA today. She told me in advance she was going to be there so I drove down and after she signed the store's stock of her books, she took the time to sign the books I brought to have signed.

We were both properly masked and distanced of course, but it was great to see her and finish off my collection (until her next book anyway) of signed copies of her work.

She posted about it on her personal FB page today and made mention of the fact I write for the magazine.

These are the two pics she posted:

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 06, 2020, 03:55:09 am »
With all the authors you've met and signings you've been to, you must have quite a collection of autographed books. Do you keep a record of what you have?

I don't have a written record of the books I have that have been signed by the author. But I do know which books they are. Call it a mental checklist.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 04, 2020, 11:34:23 am »
The two books that I picked up were THE ORPHAN'S GUILT by Archer Mayor and DEATH ON THE GREEN by Catie Murphy.

My brother in Vermont is a huge fan of Archer Mayor. He used to give my Dad his new releases as soon as they came out. I've read a lot of them but they were sometimes too grim for me.

My dad read his books and before he died I bought St. Alban's Fire as a Christmas gift. But he never got a chance to read it. He willed the books to the neighbors across the street who were also from Vermont. But I refused to give them that particular book until I read it. I paid for it and I wasn't going to not have someone in my house read the darn thing! I read it and loved it and I've been reading him ever since. I've built up the library of the Archer Mayor books now through buying the new books as they came out and buying what I was missing over on eBay. I even got to meet the author once when he came to do a signing at my local library years ago.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: October 02, 2020, 03:54:29 am »
The two books that I picked up were THE ORPHAN'S GUILT by Archer Mayor and DEATH ON THE GREEN by Catie Murphy.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:17:49 pm »
I just picked up a couple of books at the bookstore today. I have three more coming in the mail. I'm about to start the 2nd book I got for review purposes though.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: September 25, 2020, 04:43:26 pm »
You should like that Paige Shelton book.

I don't know that this would be one I would want to read myself. I've only read one Agatha Christie book and while it was OK, it didn't make me want to run out and read the rest of her works. I might try some down the line but whether it was her actual work or something Hannah has written, I wouldn't be able to say at this point.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: September 24, 2020, 06:28:48 pm »
When I don't read a mystery, I'm usually reading a Star Trek or Firefly novel.

I've seen all the Star Trek movies but haven't read the novels. I didn't realize there were any Firefly novels. I'll have to check those out!

The Star Trek novels set BEFORE the various series ended are hit and miss. Some are good, some are bad and a sense of continuity is lacking. But the books that are set AFTER the end of the various TV shows were much tighter controlled to keep with the established continuity and then expanded upon. They are generally much better stories.

As for the Firefly novels, they have published 3 so far with a fourth one coming out next month. I've only read the first one (which was really good) and I have the other two. They are set after the TV series but before the movie Serenity.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: September 23, 2020, 03:57:20 am »
When I don't read a mystery, I'm usually reading a Star Trek or Firefly novel.

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