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Messages - Becke Davis

What I'm Reading / Re: Just added to my waiting-to-be-read pile.
« on: May 19, 2020, 06:18:02 pm »
One of my local used-book sources has reopened! I picked up a couple of Martha Grimes' books I haven't read yet. I also picked up a used copy of AMAGANSETT, Mark Mills' first book.

I'm currently reading another Mark Mills book, THE SAVAGE GARDEN. I really like it!

I dug out a couple old Dick Francis paperbacks. I've read them all before, but this one is at least 25 years old. I think rereading it will be fun, AND in keeping with this months' feature.

Mystery Scene Magazine Issues / Re: Winter 2020 Issue #163
« on: May 18, 2020, 09:32:56 pm »
The new issue was released this week and it is the first one under the new quarterly publication schedule.

What did you like best about the magazine?

I just picked it up tonight so I haven't yet gotten to read the issue. But I've got three reviews printed in the issue as well as my contribution to the Fave Raves article.

The first two reviews have been posted online too.

Matthew Quirk's HOUR OF THE ASSASSIN -

Michael Stanley's FACETS OF DEATH -

Wow! I just read your review of HOUR OF THE ASSASSIN and immediately added it to my wish list. Great review!

I've read a couple of books by Michael Stanley, but that was awhile ago. The prequel you reviewed sounds interesting. Your reviews are going to be expensive for me!

I think HOUR OF THE ASSASSIN is a pre-order, but FACETS OF DEATH arrived yesterday. I have to start reading faster!

I've had FACETS OF DEATH in my waiting-to-be-read pile since February, but I finally read it yesterday and now I want MORE! I love Kubu, I love the setting (I've been fond of the literary Botswana ever since reading THE FIRST LADIES' DETECTIVE AGENCY books), and I was fascinated by the plot. A local thrift shop with a huge library of used books has just reopened - I might venture out with my mask in place and see if I can find more books in this series there.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: May 17, 2020, 12:26:31 am »
Good point - I'll do that!

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: May 14, 2020, 12:59:36 am »
Jay - I don't remember if you specifically recommended Maddie Day's MURDER ON CAPE COD or if I just randomly selected it, but I am enjoying it. My brother and sister-in-law live in New England and spend a lot of time at Cape Cod. My uncle used to go there a lot, too. I've spent a lot of time in New England but I've never been to Cape Cod or anyplace on the New England coast.

My son and both of my brothers love to travel by bike, and bike rentals (Divvy Bikes) were very popular in Chicago, where we used to live. There are bike rental programs here in Eugene, too. I follow another cozy mystery series that involves a bike rental business - Duffy Brown's Cycle Path mysteries. I've read two of them and I think the third one comes out this summer.

I'm almost finished with MURDER ON CAPE COD and I want to comment on one character in particular - Belle, the African Gray Parrot. I've never had a pet bird, but several years ago I read a fascinating book by an author I've met, Jenny Gardiner, called "Winging It: A Memoir of Caring for a Vengeful Parrot Who's Determined to Kill Me."  It's been re-released with the title "Bite Me: A parrot, a family, and a whole lot of flesh wounds." I'm curious about Bella, who is more entertaining than vicious, and I wonder who Edith/Maddie modeled her on.

Okay, got to go - I'm determined to finish this book tonight!

Thanks, Jay - I'll remember to check for that.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: May 12, 2020, 11:20:00 pm »

Thanks for the link to your review. I'm looking forward to reading this series now. I must admit, I go a little bananas when I find misused words in a book. I notice typos/misspellings but I hope those are printing errors rather than neglect on the part of the author or publisher.

I try to forget this type of error - if I dwell on it I know it will drive me up the wall. I occasionally receive Advance Reader Copies and I'm assuming you (as a reviewer) receive a lot more than I do. I've learned to be very forgiving of ARCs - often they will have a number of errors that are corrected by the official publishing date. I feel sorry for authors when there are errors not of their doing - that must be so frustrating!

The advance copies are always uncorrected so I expect mistakes there. I just thought it was perversely funny that a couple of wrong words made it through every stage of editing. I don't dwell on it when I'm reading the book, I just thought it would make a nice little sidenote in the review. It didn't affect whether or not I liked the story though.

Meanwhile, I might be going back to work starting Monday so I'm going to work on getting one more book read before the end of the week. Once I go back, my reading time will obviously be cut down.

My reading time has mostly been cut down by school and day care being closed. My son and daughter-in-law are teaching classes online, so Marty and I try to keep the girls occupied when our help is needed. Not complaining - I feel so sorry for parents and grandparents who don't live near their kids and grandkids. My daughter only lives a mile away and I still wish I could see her more.

At least we've had some wonderful warm weather so we've all been able to spend time outdoors, but this week the weather has turned cooler and very rainy. That's good for preventing wildfires, but not so good for playing and/or reading outside. :-(

I hope all of you are managing to read and relax during this time of social distancing. I wonder how authors will work the pandemic into their mystery plots?

Sportswriters Mike Lupica and John Feinstein have written  some pretty good sports books including some on basketball.

Lupica writes kid sports stories as well but the ones I mean are his "adult" mysteries.

I came across several books by John Feinstein while I was searching for sports-related mysteries. Have you reviewed any of his books?

I was just thinking, I would be interested to read a mystery centered around a marathon or triathalon. I remember a TV episode of Rizzoli and Isles that involved a murder at the Boston Marathon, but I don't think it was based on a book. I found a series on Goodreads that I want to check out. The author is Lynn Cahoon:

I also found a lacrosse mystery, but it's for kids. I wish I'd known about this series when my son was young (if it was even written back then):

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: May 11, 2020, 10:09:21 pm »
I've found some used books at online Goodwill stores. I feel a little guilty because I know buying used books doesn't put money in the author's pocket. At least it doesn't directly - but, on the other hand, if I discover an author or a series by reading a used book, I can almost guarantee I'll be buying some new books as I read the rest of the series (or the author's backlist).

I don't have the feeling of guilt that you have when I buy used books. But like you, I do buy the author's new books if I like what I read from the used purchases. I balance it out so I am good with that.

Oh, and I finished ROTTEN TO THE CORE. Here's what I thought of the book.

Thanks for the link to your review. I'm looking forward to reading this series now. I must admit, I go a little bananas when I find misused words in a book. I notice typos/misspellings but I hope those are printing errors rather than neglect on the part of the author or publisher.

I try to forget this type of error - if I dwell on it I know it will drive me up the wall. I occasionally receive Advance Reader Copies and I'm assuming you (as a reviewer) receive a lot more than I do. I've learned to be very forgiving of ARCs - often they will have a number of errors that are corrected by the official publishing date. I feel sorry for authors when there are errors not of their doing - that must be so frustrating!

I've liked reading about basketball, baseball and football.

I wouldn't want to read about stuff like lacrosse or croquet.

I'm not particularly into croquet or cricket. I am interested in lacrosse and horse racing, and I've read some interesting books that featured hockey, baseball and football. I like basketball but don't remember reading any mysteries with a basketball theme.

This month's feature is, by necessity, going to be pretty low key.  As far as I can tell, most libraries are still closed and the bookstores that are open seem to be open for pick-up only. (I find this especially sad, since one of the joys of bookstores is browsing the shelves and finding new books/authors.)

I'm not a huge sports fan but I do enjoy reading some of the sports-related mysteries we talked about. (By the way, my son used to play lacrosse - if any of you come across lacrosse mysteries, let me know. I'd love to read them!)

I like Harlan Coben's Myron Bolitar books a lot, and I've read ALL of the Dick Francis books, even though I've never attended a horse race in real life.

What are the sports you most enjoy reading about? I vaguely remember reading a mystery about ice skating once, but I can't find it and Google hasn't helped (so far).  I think I've read a mystery about croquet, too - if you'd even consider that a sport.

I guess I'd compare it to reading cozies about yarn shops, knitting and crocheting, etc. I don't knit or crochet but I do enjoy reading mysteries about those subjects if I like the author's voice and find the characters entertaining.

What are your favorite sports to read about in mystery novels? Your least favorites?

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: May 11, 2020, 11:01:31 am »
I've found some used books at online Goodwill stores. I feel a little guilty because I know buying used books doesn't put money in the author's pocket. At least it doesn't directly - but, on the other hand, if I discover an author or a series by reading a used book, I can almost guarantee I'll be buying some new books as I read the rest of the series (or the author's backlist).

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: May 10, 2020, 10:39:27 pm »
Jay - I don't remember if you specifically recommended Maddie Day's MURDER ON CAPE COD or if I just randomly selected it, but I am enjoying it. My brother and sister-in-law live in New England and spend a lot of time at Cape Cod. My uncle used to go there a lot, too. I've spent a lot of time in New England but I've never been to Cape Cod or anyplace on the New England coast.

My son and both of my brothers love to travel by bike, and bike rentals (Divvy Bikes) were very popular in Chicago, where we used to live. There are bike rental programs here in Eugene, too. I follow another cozy mystery series that involves a bike rental business - Duffy Brown's Cycle Path mysteries. I've read two of them and I think the third one comes out this summer.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: May 10, 2020, 10:30:12 pm »
Read A GATHERING DARK by Candice Fox (new LA-set dark tale from award-winning Australian author), very good) and WALLEYE JUNCTION by Karin Salvalaggio (third in her Montana-set Macy Greeley series, a few years old, enjoyable read) this week.

Now onto A CRACK IN THE WALL by Claudia Pineiro, the bestselling Argentinean crime writer. Promising thusfar.

Best wishes and kind thoughts for you and your family Becke. Hope the coming days bring good news.

I love learning about all these authors I hadn't come across before. When the library reopens, my card is going to be smoking!