Digital publications are selling better and better. Ebooks aren’t just for backlists now but for original work, too. A case in point is Terminal Damage, available in a variety of digital formats at Smashwords and other online vendors. It’s the product of the eight bloggers at, and the idea’s a good one. If you think air travel and the new scanners and “enhanced” pat-downs are a hassle, you’ll discover that those are petty annoyances compared to what can happen at an airport on a really bad day like the one in these linked stories by the likes of Dave White, Russel D. McLean, Scott D. Parker, Joelle Charbonneau, John McFetridge, Jay Stringer, Bryon Quetermous, and Steve Weddle. Thugs, suicidal kids, a grandfather who likes clean teeth and his dental hygiene pick, and other characters all appear in stories with distinctive voices, lots of action, and noir-tinged plots. All for 99 cents. Hard to go wrong here. Easy robbery goes bad. Really bad. Good stuff.