Tell Her No Lies

by Kelly Irvin
Thomas Nelson, November 2018, $15.99

Kelly Irvin’s latest, Tell Her No Lies, is a contemporary romantic suspense about a prominent San Antonio, Texas, family fractured by damaging and deadly secrets. Struggling photojournalist Nina Fischer just discovered the bloodied body of her dad, Judge Geoffrey Fischer, in his study, and since they were presumably home alone, she’s now the cops’ number-one suspect. Don’t they know she would never hurt her dad? She owes him everything. Who knows what would have happened to her and her younger sister if he hadn’t rescued and adopted them after they were abandoned by their mom (his sister) 18 years ago?

If that was not enough, her adopted mom Grace just dropped the bombshell that Geoffrey led a secret life in Vegas—and that she has been in the middle of divorcing him because of it. All Nina knows is that she doesn’t have time to be arrested, because she needs answers.

As she begins digging into her dad’s dirty secrets, she will also—in spite of her trust issues—have to decide if she can rely on either of the two men in her life who may be able to help her: Rick, a friend from childhood, and Aaron, a videographer and coworker.

Tell Her No Lies is a fast-paced, well-planned story with a myriad of whiplash-inducing twists wherein the suspense is the main course and the romance a tasty, slow-burning side dish. It’s also slightly faith-based without being preachy.

All of the characters serve an integral part in the novel, but Nina is the real star of this tale. Respectful but feisty, she is someone who doesn’t mind taking risks to protect the people she loves. And because of her painful past, she’s also a bit of a maverick who fights for the downtrodden and voiceless. And bravo to the author for showcasing the plight of our homeless and not treating them as throwaways but humanizing them by giving them faces, futures, and hopes.

Tell Her No Lies is a perfect read for fans who like a chilling, puzzling thriller with a mild dose of romance.

Debbie Haupt
Teri Duerr
November 2018
Thomas Nelson