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Messages - Ben Boulden

Pages: 1
Mystery Scene Magazine Issues / Re: Summer 2019 - Lori Roy #160
« on: June 23, 2019, 06:14:49 am »
My copy of the latest issue arrived last week and it's another winner. I was surprised and happy to see my circus and carnival article hit the cover. It was fun to write and the biggest struggle I had was cutting it down to a manageable size. There are so many great carnival mysteries in the world. Coming up with the title was the best part, but you're never a rube, Teri.

The Dennis Lehane article is terrific and I'm looking forward to reading everything else.


What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: June 23, 2019, 06:06:27 am »
I've been on a Lionel White kick the last few weeks. I started with his classic novel The Killing, which is so much better than the Stanley Kubrick film, and finished (a few nights ago) his underrated Coffin for a Hood. In between, I read A Death at Sea and Operation: Murder. A Death at Sea is the weakest of the four, and the most surprising, aside from The Killing's marvelous ironic and very noir ending, was the climactic scene in Operation: Murder.

Now, I'm on to the current issue of Alfred Hitchcock magazine.

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