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Messages - JRob

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What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: June 08, 2020, 04:00:20 pm »
Glad you liked that book Becke.

I started reading a new book today on my lunch break. I hope that I can get a bunch of reading done over the course of the week so I finish it in a timely fashion.

In the meantime, here's that review for Michael Connelly's FAIR WARNING.

Edith, I don't read a lot of historical fiction but I've read some. Usually associated with World War II. And you know that I'll be reading Book 6 of the Quaker Midwife mystery series for sure.

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: June 06, 2020, 05:34:57 am »
I haven't written a review of it yet, but I finished the new Michael Connelly thriller FAIR WARNING yesterday.

If we were having a reading race, you would be winning by a long shot!

I'm back to work on Monday, so you'll have time to catch up since I'll be able to do less reading during the daytime.

What I'm Reading / Re: What I am Reading
« on: June 06, 2020, 05:34:19 am »
I used to watch the Perry Mason series in reruns when I was growing up but I haven't seen many of them since that time. I've never read any of the books though.

Did you see there's a new HBO Perry Mason series debuting on Father's Day, June 21? It's very hard to picture this show without it's iconic original cast, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Here's the link:

Oh I knew. Not sure I'm crazy about this new series though.

The debut of a new message board forum feature and it stars the one and only EDITH MAXWELL aka MADDIE DAY!

Becke, you just know how to get me to chat my fool head off don't you?

I am a HUGE fan of Edith's work. The Country Store Mysteries are my favorite but I have grabbed up every book I can find that Edith has written. I picked up the copy of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine that featured one of her short stories and any time there's a new book out, it goes to the top of my to read list. So you know that NACHO AVERAGE MURDER will be the book I am reading when it comes out at the end of the month.

I've been able to attend a number of signings that Edith has done in the past couple of years (though it stunk that this year's events had to be cancelled for obvious reasons).

My love of Edith's work has even led to my being featured a couple of times in her newsletter and a quote from one of my reviews being used in the pre-release online hype she did for one of the books. After all, Robbie Jordan kicks as much butt as Jack Reacher....with way better food!

My most recent acquisition has been the two Tace Baker books. I got them used off eBay because I wanted the originals but I do plan to get them when they are republished this summer too.

Oh and one of those signings I attended? It was at my hometown library as part of our Mystery Book Club. We read the first book in her Quaker Midwife Mysteries series and Edith came to the meeting when we talked about it. It was as the kids cool!

When I first got back into reading books after having the joy beaten out of me in high school by being forced to read stuff I didn't like, I read some cozy series. There were a couple that were good but I found a lot of them to be rather bad.

So I read more hardcore mysteries and thrillers. But I started picking up some cozy series in the last few years and they've been so much better to read than those I read a long time ago. At the top of my list of cozy authors is Edith Maxwell, who's books have just been appointment reading for me. And since I can attest to this from personal experience, Edith herself has been as great to talk to as her books have been to read!

'Nuff Said!

What I'm Reading / Re: My latest read is...
« on: June 05, 2020, 05:57:09 am »
I haven't written a review of it yet, but I finished the new Michael Connelly thriller FAIR WARNING yesterday.

What I'm Reading / Re: What I am Reading
« on: June 05, 2020, 05:56:33 am »
I used to watch the Perry Mason series in reruns when I was growing up but I haven't seen many of them since that time. I've never read any of the books though.

What I'm Writing / Re: The Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mysteries
« on: June 05, 2020, 05:55:10 am »
Okay, now this sounds like a darn good series to check out. Adding it to my list for sure.

And Lois, welcome to the Mystery Scene Forum!

I haven't read Amanda Flower before. She does the Amish Candy Shop series if I remember correctly and I did pick up the first book in that series a little while back.

Oh, I'll still be hanging out here. I just meant that I won't be able to read quite as much now that I'll be working during the daytime instead of doing my imitation of a sloth while the sun is shining.

Mystery Scene Magazine Issues / Re: Summer 2020 - Issue #164
« on: May 28, 2020, 06:38:31 am »
In the spirit of shameless self-promotion, my review of Leonard Goldberg's THE ART OF DECEPTION (which was printed in the magazine) is now online as well. You can check it out HERE!

My review of Robyn Gigl's BY WAY OF SORROW is HERE!

Oh, I'm not worried about keeping up, I just like the theme months and try to see if I can participate by reading at least one author from the various suggestions.

Though I think my time is going to be limited once more as I am pretty sure that I'm going to be headed back to work soon.

Hmmm...I've seen series about farming and such but never gardening. This might prove an interesting subgenre to check out.

Mystery Scene Magazine Issues / Re: Summer 2020 - Issue #164
« on: May 26, 2020, 10:56:54 am »
Sorry about that Kate, I fixed it.

What I'm Reading / Re: Just added to my waiting-to-be-read pile.
« on: May 26, 2020, 10:55:37 am »
In Oregon, some counties (mine included) have such low Covid numbers that limited openings have been approved. The thrift store I mentioned was in the first wave of openings. There's a rumor Barnes & Noble will be open soon for curbside pickup. I'm excited for that, but half the fun of bookstores is browsing through the shelves. Still, I'll take what I can get. :-)

The Barnes and Noble reopenings without the ability to browse might help them but kills the browser type readers for sure.

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