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Emma Lathen and more


Hannah Adams:
I like to reread my old mysteries, and I have a bunch by Emma Lathen. I liked By Hook or By Crook - it's the kind of plot that would make a good TV movie. Lots of suspects, nearly all of them are part of a family business selling what used to be called Oriental carpets. I didn't guess the ending, even though I'd read it before. Of course, that was a long time ago.

I did not enjoy Emma Lathen's Death Shall Overcome. When it was first published in the Sixties, it was probably considered to be very progressive. The main plot is about a broker on Wall Street trying to put a black man on the Stock Exchange. When he was called colored or Negro it was very awkward to read. The race riots and protest marches were a little too familiar. I'll see if I can trade this one.

I found a used book that looks fun. It's called When Bunnies Go Bad by Clea Simon. I've read other books by her and liked them. I'll probably read this book next.

Becke Davis:
Clea has a cat cozy coming out in September:


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